Stainless steel - when you need that extra quality to keep it clean!


You get the best stainless steel products on the market

Key features that make the difference for you

Constructed from the bottom to meet high hygienic standards - fx with closed forks for easy cleaning and reduced bacteria growth.

Easy to use, strong constructions and long operating life.

Tested and approved by strict hygienic environments.

We focus on what you need

No cutting corners!
Stainless steel products are especially relevant in clean rooms and high hygienic environments, which have zero tolerance for bacteria or containment. This sets high requirements for the products, which we take very seriously. We also develop in close cooperation with you, our customers, as this is the only way we can make sure our products match the needs to the fullest.

The way we do this is by constructing the products from the bottom to fit the special requirements in hygienic environments. This means that instead of converting a standard product into stainless steel, we have respect for the functional differences and consider these in the initial construction.

- Hygienic environments require equipment that is easy to clean - fx. straight lines with no elements breaking the surface, closed joints, limited hidden areas for bacteria to settle and electropolished surfaces.

The quality of the steel matters
In addition, we use the best quality of stainless steel material available. Our stainless steel products are upgraded to AISI 316L acid resistant material, which provides superior corrosion resistance and is used for the most exposed areas of the equipment, fx the forks.

The finish we use is also resistant to scratches and will stand up to the most aggressive environments, which minimizes the risk of bacterial contamination. This also ensures a long operating life as our development team take the aspect of extensive cleaning and sanitizing into consideration in the design process. Hence, you do not need to worry about high maintenance costs.

Caring for your employees
As with all our equipment, our stainless steel line promotes a good ergonomic working position for the user. It manoeuvres by a gentle touch and the handle is designed to support an ergonomically correct lift. 
In addition, the closed forks are constructed with rounded corners to avoid causing damage to the surroundings.

The quality of your work is the focus of our, which is why we consider all aspects of it, when designing our solutions. Should you require special features or functions, we also work with customised solutions with our stainless products. 

When you need that extra finish
If you work in dry environments and you clean your equipment without using water, you need extra finish where smooth and rounded corners makes cleaning safe and efficient. We offer Pharma Finish for all of our stainless steel products - learn more

Stainless stacker for IBC totos

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Workplace ergonomics
The road to success is through your employees. Take good care of them!

Why care about workplace ergonomics?