Electric highlifter, Inox (EHLI)

Hygiene at working height

Optimum hygiene and easy of use - with a stainless electric highlifter the risk of bacterial contamination is minimised. The stainless-semi products are developed for environments, which require severe hygiene on the surfaces on which delicate items are placed, e.g. meat, fish or medicine.

With this electric highlifter you get high flexibility and efficiency, as you can transport and lift pallets to the optimal working heights. The design prevents industrial injuries and ensures a high level of safety and ergonomics.

We always guarantee the best quality through an extended test programme and in cooperation with experts in Health and Safety.


  • Risk of bacterial attacks is minimised
  • Developed in environments with severe hygiene demands
  • Closed forks
  • Easy cleaning


  • Strong construction
  • AISI 316L steel for the fork chassis
  • Long operating life
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Reliable cylinder construction


  • Ergonomically correct handle
  • Lifts the pallet to the right working height


  • Stainless fork chassis, handle, axles and wheel holder. All other parts are chromite-treated. Battery indicator extra painted
  • For the food industry in areas, in which the hygiene demands are not so high, but the corrosion resistance important
  • Electric lift and manual transport